LSPA Continuing Education Seminar Environmental Symposium 2024
Dos and Don'ts of In-situ Remediation
When: Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Time: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM EST; Track 2 Location: Sheraton Framingham Hotel & Conference Center, 1657 Worcester Road Framingham, MA Cost: $100 Members | $250 Non-Members Course Instructor: Lingke Zeng, Project Director, Sanborn Head & Associates (View Instructor Biography)
Available Credits: 2.0 MA LSP technical Credits - #1844 2.0 CT LEP Credits - CTLEP-591 2.0 NY PE Credits - #202411139 2.0 NY PG Credits - #202411139
Excellent Reviews from 2023 LSPA Symposium! Lingke's energy and humor made this course fun and engaging." "Great speaker, I was not expecting much (based on topic) but she was wonderful and I learned a lot of practical and useful information." "She was extremely engaging. She made a course that could be dry and heavy on the technology move along and enjoyable."
This is a new course.
LSPA Environmental Symposium: This course is being held during the LSPA Environmental Symposium 2024. Details on the day's events can be found here.
Course Description:
This course is designed as an overview for LSPs who have basic concepts and project experiences related to in-situ remediation. The presentation uses actual project examples to explain what could cause in-situ remediation failures, as well as key design parameters for common in-situ remediation technologies.
The presentation will address various aspects of these technologies:
- Bioremediation
- Chemical Oxidation
- Thermal Remediation
- Sorption-Based Technologies
- In-situ Stabilization and Solidification (ISS)
- Combinations of Different Technologies
Time for Questions & Answers is included throughout.
Many Thanks to the LSPA Symposium Sponsors!





The Driscoll Company, LLC


