Why I Joined the Loss Prevention Committee - A Personal StatementBy: Allen Wyman, LSP, Permanent Environmental Solutions, LLC and Chair, Loss Prevention Committee Although it can play other roles, one of the most important functions of the LSPA’s Loss Prevention Committee (LPC) is to focus members' attention on the importance of reducing risks. In order to reduce the professional, financial, and legal risks to ourselves and our clients, we must continually assess our actions in relation to our client’s interest; to MassDEP regulations, policies, and guidance; to LSP Board regulations; and to other State, Federal, and local requirements. Meanwhile, we also have the aspirational goal of holding paramount the safety of human health and the environment. We are all aware that the actions and opinions of LSPs have a direct effect not only on our livelihood, but on that of our clients, their employees, and those receptors we are trying to protect from releases. Congruently, the LPC offers information and guidance to LSPA members regarding how to reduce the risks we take as LSPs, business owners, lawyers, and project managers while navigating the requirements necessary to do our work. Whether a scientist, lawyer, business owner, banker, realtor, insurance agent, developer, PRP, or MassDEP employee, we all have a stake in the work this committee does to advance the integrity of our approach to our work and our work products. As a former chemist, Project Manager, MassDEP Auditor, and Senior Civil Investigator for the Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals (LSP Board), I felt uniquely qualified to provide an “insider’s” view of MassDEP and LSP Board expectations. I wished to share my experience and knowledge with others on the committee and within the LSPA, to provide another perspective to further strengthen this organization and the work of its members. For over twenty years, LSPA members have led the way in assessing and remediating contaminated sites in Massachusetts through education, advocacy, and innovative approaches to the challenges of privatization. I believe the LPC is critical to that objective. Every one of us has something to offer our membership. We all have different perspectives and specialties. This is what makes the LPC and LSPA so strong. Please come to an LPC meeting during your time as an LSPA Member. Tell us your story. We all have one. If you are interested in learning more about the LPC, contact Al Wyman, LSP, Chair, at [email protected], or Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at lspa.wendy@gmail.com. |