Do You Have Sites Where Homeowners Have Struggled with Cleanup Costs From Heating Oil Spills?

The LSPA's Legislative Committee has drafted legislation which would require insurers to provide coverage for releases from above ground residential heating oil storage tanks. Currently, insurers are only required to make coverage available upon request; they do not have to inform their customers that this coverage is available. The bill has been assigned Senate #534, but we still need your help to ensure that the bill becomes a law. 
We are seeking case studies and contact information for homeowners who were denied insurance coverage due to pollution exclusions, were burdened by the costs of a release at their home, and are willing to share their stories in hopes of preventing similar hardships for other homeowners in the future. Such stories are critical to gaining legislative support and getting the bill passed into law.  

How You Can Help: Do you know any homeowners who may be willing to share their experiences with the LSPA? If so, please contact a Co-Chair of the LSPA's Legislative Committee, Dot McGlincy or Lauren Konetzny. Your help is greatly appreciated!

Click here for more information on why this bill is so important.  
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