The following LSPA compliance tip was presented at the September 2020 Membership Meeting, which was held virtually through the Zoom webinar platform, on September 24, 2020.
The MCP requires that a sketch plan be attached as an exhibit to an AUL. Don’t be fooled by the informality of the term “sketch;” specific information must be included in the plan including:
- · the disposal site boundaries,
- · the area subject to the AUL, and
- · an accurate delineation of areas where barriers are necessary to prevent exposure to underlying contamination, if required.
MassDEP guidance advises that the plan be to scale, and that the scale and a north arrow be shown. Lay people and contractors need to know how to identify where AUL limits and any barriers to exposure are located. The plan and AUL will be scanned to become a permanent record; because the Registry of Deeds and Land Court can only scan documents in black and white, sketch plans should not include color-coding for describing property details.
310 CMR 40.1074(2), and Guidance on Implementing Activity and Use Limitations, DRAFT Policy #WSC14-300, including Form 1075
Click here to view all published compliance tips. This document is also posted in the Members Only section of the website under Technical Resources.