MassDEP Updates: BWSC Advisory Committee Meeting Highlights, and Q&A Document

BWSC Advisory Committee Meeting Highlights

MassDEP’s Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) Advisory Committee meeting was held on November 21, 2024. The meeting agendameeting slides, and a YouTube meeting video are all available here. The LSPA’s key takeaways are below.

  • AUL Guidance is “nearing the finish line” and expected to be final by early 2025. MassDEP is continuing to review and incorporate comments received, and ensuring consistency with other documents – e.g., Risk Characterization guidance. Contact Margaret Shaw at [email protected] with questions.
  • Soils Reuse Update: The COMM-24 Soils Policy is currently under review by MassDEP senior staff. This policy would allow reuse of contaminated soils at other 21E sites at levels greater than currently allowed by COMM-15. There will be a public review of the draft policy before it is finalized. At this time, major acceptance requirements include but are not limited to: must result in achievement of a Permanent Solution, must include a public involvement process, and at least 250,000 cubic yards of soil must be moved.  
  • The PFAS Q&A is under review by senior staff and expected to be released in early 2025.  For PFAS questions, contact John Ziegler, LSP, at [email protected].
  • The Western Regional Office has a new Deputy Regional Director (DRD): Tamara Cardona-Marek, Ph.D. She replaces Catherine Skiba who was the most recent Acting DRD.
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