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In Situ Remediation Monitoring Programs: Considerations and Design
Wednesday, November 10, 2021, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: Course - Live Webinar

LSPA Continuing Education Webinar:

In Situ Remediation Monitoring Programs: Considerations and Design 

When: Wednesday, November 10, 2021  
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST  
Live Webinar via Zoom
Registration: In your LSPA registration confirmation email, you will receive a link to a Zoom Registration for this topic. Registration for LSPA webinars requires a two-step process. 1) Complete the LSPA registration, and 2) In your LSPA confirmation email, you will receive a link to a Zoom "Webinar Registration". You must also complete this registration in order to receive the webinar link, and reminder emails with course materials. Registration closes 15 minutes prior to the start of the webinar.  
Cost: Members $200 | Non-members $350
Course Instructors:  

  • Lucas Hellerich, PhD, PE, LEP, Practice Leader of Remediation Engineering for Environmental Remediation Services, Woodard & Curran
  • Zackary Smith, LEP, Practice Leader of In Situ Remediation for Environmental Remediation Services, Woodard & Curran

View Instructor Biographies

This course has been approved for 4.0 LSP Technical continuing education credits (#1749) and 4.0 CT LEP Credits (CTLEP-551W). This is the first time the LSPA is offering this course but this course was offered by EPOC in 2020 and 2021 (CTLEP-504W). This course has also been approved for NYPE PDH credits (#20217948). To ensure you receive continuing education credit for your attendance in this webinar, please read the LSPA's guidelines here.

Webinar Description: 

In situ remediation is used to treat numerous contaminants in soil and groundwater through the application of reagents and physio-chemical processes in the subsurface. The performance and effectiveness of in situ remediation technologies are assessed through monitoring of groundwater and other media. Often, monitoring programs are established based on existing well networks and industry rules of thumb. Development of monitoring programs needs to account for the type, scale, and longevity of the applied in situ remediation technology, as well as the conceptual site model. The objectives of this course are to review the effects that different in situ remediation technologies have on soil and groundwater and best practices for monitoring those effects.

The first part of this course will include a review of in situ remediation technologies and their physio-chemical effects on groundwater systems. The course will then present the concept of a zone of influence for in situ remediation, the influence of the conceptual site model on the zone of influence, and how groundwater geochemical conditions stabilize following an in situ remedy application. Then, design considerations and potential issues for in situ remediation monitoring programs will be discussed. Case studies will be presented to illustrate design concepts. Lastly, regulatory requirements for the monitoring of in situ remediation in Massachusetts will be reviewed and related back to the design of monitoring programs. 

Course participants will learn how to design monitoring programs for in situ remediation that provide an adequate level of information to understand the effectiveness of the remedy, while providing tools to address uncertainties of the subsurface. They will learn about the different stages and objectives of monitoring. Further, they will gain an understanding of the range of biogeochemical and physical effects that can occur during implementation of an in situ remedy. Design concepts, including monitoring location placement, monitoring parameter selection, frequency determination, and contingencies, will be reviewed. Participants will be provided with a framework for selection of design parameters. 

To view course outline, click here.