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LSPA June 2024 Membership Meeting
Tuesday, June 18, 2024, 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM EST
Category: Membership Meeting

LSPA June 2024 Membership Meeting

LSP Board Updates/Overview of the Rules of Professional Conduct

When: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 
Time: 3:45 PM - 5:30 PM  EST (Please note: registration closes 15 minutes prior to the start of the webinar.) 
Live Webinar via Zoom
Important Registration Note: Registration for LSPA webinars requires a two-step process. 1) Complete the LSPA registration, and 2) In your LSPA confirmation email, you will receive a link to a Zoom "Webinar Registration". You must also complete this registration in order to receive the webinar link, and reminder emails with course materials.  
Price:  Credit: $50 Members | $110 Non-Members
             No Credit: $0 Members | $25 Non-Members

This presentation has been approved for 1.5 DEP Regulatory credits. This is a new presentation. 

Presentation Description:

This webinar will provide an overview of recent LSP Board developments including a discussion of the new electronic application, renewal, and payment system, as well as an overview of the Board’s Rules of Professional Conduct. 

The speakers will be:

  • Diane Baxter, LSP, LSP Board Chair
  • Matthew Lyne, LSP Board Staff Scientist
  • Terry Wood, LSP Board Executive Director 

View Speaker Bios here.

The presentation will provide LSPs with an overview of:

  • Current Board members and staff;
  • Current Board initiatives (updating LSP exams and amending LSP regulations);
  • Answers to some common LSP questions including the difference between regulatory and DEP regulatory credits; the time period after which an LSP can repeat a course for credit; and how to order a new LSP seal;
  • The Board’s on-line portal for submission of applications/renewals/payment of fees;
  • The Board’s Rules of Professional Conduct; and
  • The types of issues that the Board has determined during disciplinary investigations to be violations of those rules.

Fifteen (15) minutes of Q&A will follow the presentation. The webinar will be moderated by a member of the LSPA’s Loss Prevention Committee. 

3:45 PM Welcome and Announcements  
3:55 PM Speaker Introductions
4:00 PM Presentation Begins
5:15 PM Q & A Session
5:30 PM Program Ends